December, 2021 monthly zoom - sharing restorative tales for holiday solidarity and inspiration. See/hear the recording here! Passcode: +rR0Eqp6
November, 2021 monthly zoom - update on the current state of Guidelines, and checking in about what folks value, as we adjust our Strategic Plan! See/Hear the recording here! Passcode: =4X68m$x
October, 2021 monthly zoom - introduction of our new Executive Co-Director JoHanna "J" Thompson, and our Board of Directors including nine new Board members!! See/Hear the recording here! Passcode: 41qGiXR!
September, 2021 monthly zoom - seeking input for our next round of review and editing of our Guidelines for Facilitation and Training! See/Hear the recording here! Passcode: T9u*!02#
August, 2021 monthly zoom - with special guest Julya Denholm DeMaria, FRJA co-founder, and Coordinator of the Community Connections RJ Program in Tallahassee - speaking about adaptations to a virtual/remote service model. See/Hear the recording here! Passcode: UZ%^@h3b
July, 2021 monthly zoom, with special guest William Jackson, co-founder of Broward County's Justice Project! See/Hear the recording here!
June, 2021 monthly zoom with special guests Estefani Aguiluz and Shakeh Grady, of Soul Sisters Leadership Collective! See/Hear the recording here!
In May, 2021, our special guest was Janelle King - Board Secretary and founding Chairperson of the Interagency Working Group on Restorative Practices! Watch/Listen to the recording here.
On June 20th, 2019, our special guest was Gretchen Casey (who has since been elected President of our Board), speaking about the Redemption Project - CNN documentary series which recently featured her work. We also heard from the rest of our Board, welcomed newest member Officer Johnny McCray, and had a lively and productive discussion with folks in the field. Download and Hear/Watch the recording here.
On August 15th, 2019, our special guest was Deborrah Brodsky, founder and director of the Project on Accountable Justice. The main topic for the call was Restorative Justice Policy and Advocacy Opportunities. We also heard from our Board in greater detail regarding "Circle" activities, and opportunities for volunteering with the Conference Circle, Fundraising Circle, Membership Circle, and others. Download and Watch/Listen to the Recording Here.
We followed that August Policy discussion with two listening sessions in November and early December - aimed at gathering further consensus about statewide policy goals. The first one can be downloaded here, and the second here.
Our December 19, 2019 call focused on the upcoming statewide conference, an update on legislative advocacy opportunities, and shares from the field regarding activities statewide.
On the April 16, 2020 call, after a few announcements, we spent most of the call hearing from folks around the state regarding challenges, successes, resources, and other news about how our restorative work (and life in general) is proceeding in the time of quarantines and social distancing.