Florida Restorative Justice Association in partnership with Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers – Miami Chapter Miami-Dade League of Prosecutors Presents a three part 3.5 CLE credit panel on RJ with a real Criminal Case Study implementing RJ, 8th Judicial Circuit (June 2022) including the victim’s family, defense, ASA, and detective discussing how they used restorative justice in resolving a Gainesville murder. *Please consider donating $25 if you benefit from this training and receive 3.5 CLEs approved for Certification of Accreditation for Continuing Legal Education: General, Criminal Trial Law, and Criminal Appellate Law Approval period 9/23/2022-3/31/2024
Florida Restorative Justice Association Educational Webinar Re-imagining Safety, Creating a Healthier School Culture and Climate What’s Happening, What Works, and What Can We Do Better Presents a three part 3 CEU credit training on school safety with presentations from students across Florida sharing real world experiences. *Please consider donating $25 if you benefit from this training. To receive a certificate and 3 CEUs, please contact [email protected].